<aside> <img src="/icons/arrow-right_orange.svg" alt="/icons/arrow-right_orange.svg" width="40px" /> From the Create an Incredible Peer Group


To have valuable peers, you also need to be valuable to be around. The four principles you need to become a great peer:

Many people think that they can’t attract value peers because they don’t have as many experiences or skills. That isn’t true.

You can attract great peers by becoming valuable to be around.

In the prestigious YPO peer group organization, CEOs must go through training on how to be a great peer before they can join a small peer group.

I’m sharing these principles here for you to use too so YOU can also become an amazing peer. Internalizing these four principles supercharged my experiences in peer groups — making me a better peer and made me enjoy being in those groups even more.

The four principles to become a great peer

Principle 1: Be a great listener

This concept of "being a recorder" by Rick Rubin explains it perfectly.

Rubin provides 4 simple steps that, if followed, will change how you think about your interactions with others.

Step 1: "It starts with coming in blank. Not having any preconceived ideas, being open, and really listening. Not thinking about what you're going to say next or what your opinion is."

Step 2:"Basically being a recorder. Just hearing what comes in. Processing that information and trying to do our best to do that without any of the beliefs we might have to impact what that is."